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What Is The Inspired By Nature Course?

The Inspired by Nature course is an online experience designed to untangle your creative process. Tara Axford invites you into her studio and guides you through the process and techniques she has developed over 25years, making her one of Australia’s most popular Mixed Media Artists.

Exploring a variety of media Tara will show how to look at the familiar with fresh eyes. By the end of the course you will confidently interpret your collections of found objects and photographs from nature into artwork that truly reflects your unique style and sense of place.

All course materials, including beautifully produced videos, actionable tasks and downloadable resource guides are within an easy to use member portal.

You’ll also be able to ask questions, get feedback and connect with Tara and fellow Inspired By Nature students online within a private group for enrolled students.

“Breaking finds down to ‘micro size’ like your modules did has made me more observant. I have developed some new techniques of mark making to my prints too. The whole course was FABULOUS and thank you for allowing us to keep it for life!”


About This Course

Use Pockets Of Time

Create Bespoke Artwork And Develop Your Unique Style!


Being an artist requires discipline to consistently show up to your space ready to do the work. Without a clear vision the creative process can be overwhelming.

From experienced artists to beginners the Inspired by Nature – Exploring Mixed Media course will show you ways to find the time to live a truly creative life!


Learn At Your Own Pace

Once enrolled you will have instant and lifetime access to the entire course so you can go through the modules at your own pace, refresh, rewind and revisit anytime you like.

Being beautifully filmed and designed to fit into any pocket of time you’ll find yourself wanting to dip back in and linger in modules that speak to you.

By fully engaging with the course content, you will be able to confidently take your collections of found objects and photographs from nature to create artwork and a unique souvenir that truly reflects your sense of place.

Meet Tara


Hi there, I’m Tara Axford, a mixed media artist from Sydney, Australia.

With over 25 years of design experience working as a magazine art director, I’m excited to share what I have learnt including the principles of design and composition that holds many people back.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with an abundance of art materials and found inspiration, pinned or collected. You don’t know where to start, what to do with it.

This course will help you to find a way ‘in’ and show you easy techniques to unblock your own creative process and get going. Or, come along to see how to explore your subject matter further, allowing yourself time to play, with no expectations.

I hope that once you have taken this course you will feel like you have spent time with me on my walk and in my studio, that you flew into Sydney and experienced a small focussed workshop where you learnt skills and techniques to untangle your own art process. By showing you how I do what I do, you’ll see that it’s achievable.

I’m excited to guide you to find your creative thread and develop your own unique style.



Meet Your Tutor

“A great example of what can be achieved in a course led by an enthusiastic and experienced facilitator who has taken the time to put together a structured and sequential learning experience”


This Course Is For You If...

You want to be inspired and expand your mixed media skills

You want to find the perfect starting place and unblock your creative process

You want to let go of the rules and reconnect yourself to the joy of creating with no expectations

You want to see behind the scenes into the studio of an accomplished artist

You want to reconnect with nature and turn your inspiration into artwork!

You want to find the time to be creative and live a creative life

Learn From Tara Axford

Mixed Media Artist | Pattern Designer | Art Director

Tara has been creating artwork her entire life, from her professional career in graphic design to being an art director for one of Australia’s leading publications.

As a mixed media artist and tutor focusing on printmaking, collage and ephemeral objects, Tara draws inspiration from her home town in Sydney Australia and lives a truly creative life!

For her, joy is found in seeking out unique pieces that someone has created by hand.

“I love tactile, textural pieces that distil the essence of the Australian landscape into something that reflects the colours, patterns and textures of our natural surroundings.”

Currently exploring found objects, patterns and textures, Tara’s passion is to abstract the essence of a place to create something new, giving the viewer an opportunity to experience something they may have previously overlooked, with fresh eyes.


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