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It’s Time To Shed Layers Of Creative Restriction And Create Authentic Embroidery Art That Sets Your Heart On Fire.


Reconnect with the joy of creativity
with Fleur Woods!



A Rare Gift

"I have taken many, many workshops over my 73 years, and Fleur is the best teacher I have ever had. It’s not only her expertise, but her kindness, support and non-judgmental guidance that are rare gifts. I would love to take an online course with her again."

– Sondra B

“I Can't Believe I Created That!”

It’s A Phrase You’ve Wanted To Say For A While…

But in order to get there, it feels like there’s so much in your way;
  • Tackling design and composition, so you can create unique artwork when you don’t really know all the rules.
  • Choosing the best materials from your stash, because you love them all!
  • Deciding which colours and textures work together
  • without looking like a jumbled mess.
  • Struggling with too many ideas with no clear path to take them from your head to your hands!
  • Finding the will to put in the hard yards to finish a piece
  • when you’re not even sure you’ll like the end result.
Can you relate to any of these points?
Please know that you’re not alone and the more rules you impose on yourself, the harder it can be to create authentic artwork.
Within a framework that supports genuine creativity, it is possible to find joy within the creative process to ultimately create artwork that truly sets your heart on fire.

Hi, I’m Fleur Woods a contemporary embroidery artist from New Zealand and I’m here to share my own mixed media techniques and guide you through processes that support genuine creativity.

I can’t wait for you to;

  • Fall in love with the very process of embroidery itself.
  • Find the colours and imagery, that feel like magic to you.
  • Forget the rules and relax into your creative authenticity.
  • Develop the knowledge to compose one-of-a-kind textile collages.
  • Never feel guilty about starting another embroidery project again!

We all need a jumping-off point, a simple framework to follow and most importantly to find joy in our creative process so we can ultimately get to that holly grail of finished embroidery artworks! 

And there’s nothing like creating together with a bunch of like-minded people to share the journey with so I’m thrilled to invite you to learn with me through my new online course.

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Meet Fleur Here…

Are You Ready To Fall In Love With The Process Of
Mixed-Media Embroidery?



A Beautifully Filmed Online Course That Will Change The Way You Look At Embroidery Forever.


Watch Video below.

The beauty in a simple stitch 

This course was a reminder of how much beauty there is in a simple stitch. Fleur’s modules were the perfect mix of inspiration and instruction. And for the beginner, the instructions were very clear on how to learn the steps. I would encourage anyone interested in fibres and textiles to take Fleur’s class.


– Lauren S

Connect Your Hand, Head & Heart
As You...

  • Discover what stitches form your unique mark making.
  • Uncover the joy in your creative process within a framework that supports creativity. 
  • Untangle your knowledge of embroidery materials and let go of the rules
    so you can shed a few layers of restriction.
  • Feel the fun and freedom of creating painted linen backgrounds by incorporating
    a unique mixed media approach
     into your art practice. 
  • Return to the joy of your childhood! Build 3D elements inspired by nature
    to add texture and depth to your fibre art.
  • Find a faster approach to traditional hand embroidery through punch needling
    so you can 
    create delicious textural rockpools.

Layer, collage, draw and design original and authentic textile artworks that will make your heart sing with joy

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What’s Inside

Watch this video Fleur created for you

Here’s How Your Joyful Embroidery Journey Will Unfold Step Into Fleur’s World Of Florals, Fibres & Natural Textures…

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Connecting with your materials and tools is the foundation to creating with confidence and in this module, Fleur shares her gold nuggets for removing creative barriers. 

  • Learn some simple rules to create time and space to pick up a project and
    get stitching at any time! 
  • Uncover how to edit and curate your supplies for each project,
    an essential part of the creative storytelling process. 
  • You will learn how to plan to have no plan, which gives you both a
    place to start and enjoy plenty of freedom for the work to evolve as you go.

Walk away feeling comfortable with your materials, gaining a better understanding of the ‘what and why’ of the supplies needed throughout this course.

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Colour can bring joy or utter confusion. As the most requested topic in Fleur’s live workshops, it was necessary to dedicate an entire module to it, so you become familiar with the ‘rules’ and then break them to create your unique colour stories.

  • Identify your own personal colour palette. It’s the first step to
    creating authentic and recognizable artwork.
  • Take a fun and relaxed journey through the basics of colour theory so you can
    bring balance to your work and enhance your storytelling.
  • Discover how colour and composition work together, and how texture can
    affect colour and enhance your design.  

By the end of this module, you’ll be excited to create your own designs with the confidence to
resolve colour overload and understand how the placement of colour is key to making your composition sing! 

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Find newfound freedom; from complete beginners to more advanced stitchers you’ll be amazed how every stitch is as individual as you. It’s time to discover your personal mark-making.   

  • You’ll uncover Fleur’s go-to stitches, work with different fibres, play with scale,
    density and texture to learn how different marks can communicate form.
  • Create a beautiful stitch sampler ‘sketch page’ to learn new stitches as a
    reference guide for projects and an ever-evolving place to warm up.
  • Identify what stitches you enjoy the most and what materials resonate with those
    stitches so that you can sink in and enjoy the process. 

Be rewarded with a fresh perspective on stitching, and with further creative restrictions removed, you’ll begin to relax into your authentic mark-making and fall in love with your process!


Playing is something that we don’t do often enough as adults, this module is all about getting a little messy and having fun. Learn Fleur’s signature techniques to create beautiful backdrops that are lovely to stitch. 

  • Learn the secrets to getting better results when creating your own unique backdrops,
    whilst still being easy to stitch through! 
  • Explore several simple techniques to create beautiful washes,
    drips and watermarks with abstract effects. 
  • Create your perfect shade of linen to complement your individual colour palette to
    add depth and individuality to your work.

Your desire to paint and stitch will be quenched by learning this unique mixed media approach to creating individual embroidery artwork.  

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Drawing and design will no longer be dirty words as you enjoy adding these essential elements of every unique embroidery artist toolkit into your own. 

  • Unlock how a foundational design guides you and actually allows space
    for freedom of expression and organic evolution.
  • Explore how drawing, tracing, and printed fabrics can create the base of
    your designs and learn to compose multiple images
  • Get practical hands on experience by stitching your own floral arrangement
    embedding the importance of base layering and borders. 

Walk away with the confidence and multiple ways to transfer imagery onto your fabric, laying the foundations to build your artwork and tell your own story. Fleur has even included some templates for those who are ‘just not’ into drawing!

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The slow nature of hand embroidery is delightful, but it’s time to mix it up a little to achieve quicker results inspired by the natural textures found in nature. 

  • Take a walk with Fleur to her most treasured beach and discover how you can borrow
    colours and textures from nature, transforming them into abstracted fibre forms. 
  • Master the punch needling technique from different needles and fabric and
    uncover tips for smooth and steady stitching.
  • Use wool as a base to create textural rockpools, a forest floor or other
    textural or abstract pieces.

Feel your creativity boost with new fibre tricks up your sleeve. Relish the fact that these simple techniques have opened up your creative practice and allowed you to approach your work from a more textural perspective, with the skills to create texture easily and quickly.

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Set your inner child free and challenge its curiosity and sense of joy by making handbuilt elements to use for future textural works.

  • Make clay beads and organic forms to use as elements in your artwork,
    it’s like playdough for adults and you’ll love it! 
  • Enjoy hand-building fibre elements as a great way to add height,
    texture and form to your pieces. 
  • Learn to group elements and audition them so that nothing is permanent with
    Fleur’s zero adhesive approaches. 

Your contemporary embroidery toolkit is beginning to overflow as you add another way to work with thread and fibre that doesn’t require the exacting techniques of some more traditional forms of embroidery.

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To extend your learning from your mini floral embroidery project and your foray into natural textures, it’s the perfect time to geek out on all the details as you learn different ways to build up the textures and colours in your work with stitch.

  • Work back into your stitching to explore intricate details and undergo
    further explorations of colour and texture. 
  • Build up the textures and colours in your work and explore ways to add
    outlines and illustrative elements that will help define your stitched imagery.
  • Take a deep dive into Fleur’s finished artworks to see examples of how important
    the finer details are when completing your artwork. 

You’ll be bursting with joy at the end of this module. The satisfaction you’ll get from seeing your work elevate into something more visually exciting and more meaningful is truly magic.

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You’ve come a long way, and it’s time to celebrate the accumulation of your knowledge with a beautiful project to design your own textile collage. 

  • Dig back into the stash of lovely treasures you created or collected initially
    and explore how to make a base for your collage.
  • Discover simple ways to attach your collage elements, and how to blend your stitches
    over the edges of collage pieces to create more cohesive imagery.
  • Learn to troubleshoot challenges along the way and enjoy putting your colour and
    composition theory to practice as you create a unique design. 

You’re now ready to throw all those sensible ideas in the bin and just have a good old play and explore the process of textile collage in your way. You won’t be in a hurry to complete this piece as you’ll be completely absorbed in the process and relaxed knowing you’ll know how to conquer any roadblocks that may cross your creative path.

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Let Fleur give you a behind the scenes look into an often overlooked part of the process; how to complete and finish your fibre projects, honouring the creative process and beautifully presenting your work. 

  • Learn ways to finish your piece in a contemporary way so you can
    display, exhibit, or share with pride
     and discover budget-friendly display options.
  • Enjoy finishing your work, being able to describe it to share the intention behind
    your creation knowing this is just as valid as creating the work in the first place.
  • Walk away with pride knowing you value your creativity and when the time is right
    you’ll have the knowledge to present your contemporary embroidery work in the best light. 

Congratulations, you are now ready to display your work where others can appreciate it and experience some of the beautiful energy you’ve given it. 

Fleur has built a brand, and wants to show you how too!

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In This Exclusive Joyful Embroidery BONUS, You’ll Learn Fleur’s Top Tips On:

  • Social Media
  • #Hashtags
  • Choosing Your Vibe
  • Websites and Newsletters
  • Brand Collaborations
  • Asking the Right Questions
  • Trusting Your Gut

You’ll walk away being able to create and curate your own authentic social media space and collaborate with confidence to tell meaningful stories.

A Sneak Peek Inside The Course With A Special Welcome From Fleur.


Here’s How Everything In
This Course Comes Together:



Upon enrollment, you will immediately unlock a lifetime of access to a comprehensive array of lessons and training. The course encompasses 10 modules, each thoughtfully divided into meticulously crafted video lessons and over 10 hours of beautifully filmed content. These videos are readily available on our user-friendly Fibre Arts Take Two learning platform, allowing you to conveniently pause, review, and revisit the content at your own pace.

Fleur’s Foundational Resource Guides and Action Tasks are seamlessly integrated to align with the course curriculum, providing you with supplementary tools to solidify your understanding and enhance your practical skills in the realm of fibre art embroidery. 

In essence, this enrollment promises a holistic and enduring journey into the world of fibre arts, equipped with dynamic visual lessons, supporting resources, and a vibrant community to accompany you every step of the way.



Engage in a vibrant and collaborative learning experience within the Joyful Embroidery student community. Here, you can readily share your creative endeavors and pose inquiries to receive valuable guidance. Fleur and the dedicated team at Fibre Arts Take Two provide daily comments and feedback, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and exploration. It is an ideal complement to the lessons to gain more personalised feedback to assist you in moving forward. (We ensure that the technology for these calls is incredibly user-friendly!)

Enrol now, gather your supplies and start engaging with Fleur on the 8th of September 2023 for a full two months of additional guidance and support.


Having an online community of fellow creatives exploring new approaches to creativity is an extraordinary experience. Past participants of our programs have experienced significant breakthroughs by being exposed to the works of other members. They have been particularly inspired by fresh ideas from viewing other students’ creations. Therefore, we are delighted to provide you lifetime access to an exclusive student community, offering an even more expansive space to connect, feel inspired, and learn. With this access, you can directly engage with and receive support from Fleur’s Joyful Embroidery alumni, creating a nurturing and encouraging environment for your creative pursuits.

“The community has been such a blessing, and I’m honoured to see what everyone has created an



Entering exhibitions is part of the artist’s journey, and we see this as an important part of your artistic development. Your enrolment includes the opportunity to showcase your work in a beautifully curated and professionally designed online exhibition shared and enjoyed by thousands of people across the globe. It’s one of the highlights of a FATT experience, with the option to own a printed exhibition book as a stunning keepsake of your achievement. 

Below you will find the latest student online exhibition button, which we invite you to view.

View Past Students Work Here

Click the image below to flip through an online exhibition by Joyful Embroidery alumni.



I found my style

I have been looking for a style of embroidery for several years, and in this course, I have finally found it. If you like hand embroidery and slow stitching, then at the end of this course, you will love it. The course gives so much inspiration for taking the lessons learnt forward into your own art practice and Fleur is the most amazing teacher ever.

– Sandra H 

This Course Is For You If You’re Ready To:

  • Feel the freedom of a ‘no rules, only possibilities’ approach that is akin to
    Fleur’s self-taught studio practice.
  • Expand your creative toolkit & find your mark to create truly individual artwork
  • Explore colour and composition and learn to troubleshoot common pitfalls to
    grow your creative confidence.  
  • Experience the fun of combining paint, linen and hand-built elements to
    add texture and depth to your work.
  • Express yourself authentically to tell your story through stitch.

Are you ready to create with joy & purpose,
connecting with textiles that instinctively sing to your soul?

Today's Price


A lifetime of learning and exploration awaits.

Currency - USD

Payment plans available at checkout

Our Promise Of Excellence

A Message From Fibre Arts Take Two


You’ve arrived with a desire to explore techniques and strategies for crafting exquisite works of art, infusing them with the artistry of embroidery, all under the guidance of a conscientious and skilled instructor. Your goal is to master the skills necessary to transform your imaginative visions into tangible creations using needle and thread, interwoven with the intricate craft of embroidery. Simultaneously, you’re eager to engage as an involved member of the global textile artist community. Be confident that our commitment ensures the fulfilment of your expectations and beyond.

It’s important you know that the Fibre Arts Take Two production is professionally produced with the highest standard – giving you an audio-visual experience that’s second to none. In doing so, we value collaborating with some of the most impressive thought leaders in the mixed media industry. We also respect the lifetime worth of knowledge and intellectual property they pour into this creative and educational development for you. We hope to attract the type of creatives with these same values in return.

That is also why, to protect your investment, our money-back guarantee covers you. Should you watch less than 10% of the course content within 7 days of your purchase and not be satisfied with the quality, we will process a full refund.

Our supportive and available team is always here to answer questions. Either before, during, or after your investment, ensuring you get the best experience as a Fibre Arts Take Two student.

If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact our (Australian time zone) customer service team at support@fibreartstaketwo.com. We are always happy to help.

A gift to your creative self


"The Joyful Embroidery Course is such a gift to your creative self. The course gives ease of access, and quality learning with invaluable feedback, and connects you with a wonderful tribe of like-minded participants. The course will bring a happy sparkle to your life."

– Suzy S


Here's A Reminder Of What You Get.

  • “LEARN AT YOUR PACE” Lifetime Curriculum Access
  • Downloadable Resource Guides and Material Lists
  • 10 modules and 10 hours of beautifully filmed content.
  • Two Live Q&A Sessions with Fleur Woods (recorded for your convenience)
  • At least 8 weeks of Interaction with Fleur through a Private Facebook Community.
  • Lifetime Access to the student community so you can engage again next year and stay in touch with your new creative cohort.

This course is specially created to help students to feel exci

Frequently asked questions

Once enrolled you will gain instant and lifetime access to this course.

All courses are self-paced. Some people choose to immerse themselves and complete it over a weekend, while others choose to take their time working their way through over a few weeks, months or years. The choice is yours.

The only time-sensitive part of this experience is the live interaction with your tutor which begins from the date of your enrolment for up to 8 weeks.

Fibre Arts Take Two courses are professionally filmed, sound recorded and edited so you feel like you are in the room with the art teacher.

Not at all. This course was created with you in mind – the creative who wants to watch in your own time, hit pause, re-watch, take a break, and then return for more! While you will receive live support during the first eight weeks of enrolment to cheer you on and help you through the art you make, know that there is no set schedule to complete this course – plus, you’ll have all the material for life!

We have prepared a minimum requirements list for your easy reference.

This document can be downloaded here.

A detailed list including suppliers and images will be provided for enrolled students. If you have specific questions please reach out to the team at support@fibreartstaketwo.com

The Joyful Embroidery online course is designed for you to follow at your own pace.

There are 10 hours of pre-recorded content spread over 10 modules and broken into 97 bite-sized videos.

There is no expectation of completing this course in one marathon session. Remember, it’s yours to revisit time and time again!

YES, YOU DO!  Not only will you receive Fleur’s personal feedback and support as you work through the class during the first 8 weeks after enrolments close within a private Facebook group.  You will also get two live, virtual Q&A sessions where Harriet can offer more personal feedback.  You can ask questions in advance; everything will be recorded and yours for future access.

Fleur will be available in the private Facebook Community as soon as you enrol and will be active for a minimum of 8 weeks – Ending on the 3rd of November 2023.

You will also have the opportunity to join in on engagement within the group through subsequent rounds of enrolments, in 2024 and 2025!

There will also be 2 live Q&A’s during this time which will be broadcast on YouTube to ensure those not on Facebook can have access.
Questions can be submitted in advance and recordings are available and uploaded into your course portal.

Please do not email your tutor directly. All questions can be submitted through the Facebook group or via email to  to be answered during our live Q&A sessions with your tutor.

Please note as a practising artist and tutor it may not be possible for Fleur to comment on every post. She will engage as much as possible between her other commitments and the Fibre Arts Take Two team is always available to help.

We recognise that there are many community platforms and technology available.

Fibre Arts Take Two chooses to host our students’ community groups on Facebook as an accessible platform that allows ease of communication for both students and tutors.

All members can post images, videos, create albums of work and keep track of popular topics within the group. We can also stream our live Q&As directly into the group avoiding external links and distracting Zoom calls.

We have multiple moderators within the group for encouragement and guidance, ensuring our communities are safe learning environments.

This free platform helps keep the cost of administration and course fees down for everyone.

It is important to note that we offer a closed Facebook group for enrolled students only to connect and share their journey for a lifetime.

To ensure an inclusive experience, we live stream our Q&A session through YouTube and send regular updates via email for those unable to create a Facebook account.

This group is not compulsory but is highly recommended!

“FATT have put together this fabulous format that nurtures the interactions among us. I didn’t even do Facebook before!” – Chris Carlson.

Because we have students from all around the world – we have geolocation set up to try and accommodate where we can! Therefore, we currently accept USD, AUD, GBP, Euro, CAD and NZD… with more to come! And if your currency wasn’t mentioned, your bank will still automatically convert it to your local currency once the charge goes through.

(And on the topic of being international, Fibre Arts Take Two, the course producers, are based in Australia… hence the spelling of things like fibre, realise and enrol!)

All Australian purchases are GST inclusive.

Enrolments opened on the 25th of August and are typically open for two weeks unless sold out earlier.

It is best to enrol early to avoid disappointment and take advantage of the extra two weeks of tutor interaction.

All Fibre Arts Take Two online courses have been created to the highest standards and come with a money-back guarantee.

If you feel that this course doesn’t meet your expectations, please email us at  within 7 days of enrolling and ensure you have watched less than 10% of the course content.

If you have watched less than 10% of the content and we receive your request within 7 days of your enrolment, we will immediately process a refund, less any associated transaction fees.

If you have a question about the course please contact our friendly support team and we will help you decide if this is the best fit for you.  

Absolutely! All of the course content is fully responsive so it will work regardless of whether you’re on a computer or mobile device.

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask Fleur questions during our 2 Live Q&A sessions. We understand that we have students from all over the world and not everyone can attend these session live. You can ask your questions in advance and all session a recorded for your connivence.

If you have more technical questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@fibreartstaketwo.com

This course will be available to purchase again in approximately 12 months.

Please keep an eye on the Fibre Arts Take Two website for details. By registering your interest, you’ll be the first to know when enrolments open for any of our popular online courses.

Fleur Woods Invites You to Join the Joyful Embroidery Contemporary Stitch Revolution.

Today's Price


A lifetime of learning and exploration awaits.

Currency - USD

Payment plans available at checkout

A Final Note From Fleur


“I believe, I was given the gift of embroidery.

The moment I chose to pick up a needle and thread I felt the women of past generations
behind me,  just there, giving me everything I needed at that moment.

I felt connected to it as a medium and a mark making tool. It was the key to unlocking a
creative door and I realised my purpose was to share that with others.

When I sit quietly and create it is just pure magic.

It is my wish that by honouring our creative spirit we give others encouragement
and permission to enjoy, engage and explore theirs more openly.

I hope you can join me, Fleur

Are You Ready To Honour Your Creative Spirit?